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Maggi Hambling @ Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert

Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert , United Kingdom

Maelstrom comprises a new series of paintings by Maggi Hambling, made on her return to the studio following a near-fatal heart attack, and a six-week stay in hospital. The resulting paintings are testaments to the tentative, determined resumption of her daily practice – and to the trauma of recovery. The paintings manifest intense landscapes of experience […]

RE/Sisters @ Barbican Art Gallery

Barbican Gallery

A major group exhibition, which explores the relationship between gender and ecology, highlighting the systemic links between the oppression of women and the degradation of the planet. The exhibition features […]

Alberta Whittle @ Modern Institute, Glasgow

Modern Institute, Glasgow

Ten Poems of Kindness, a themed selection of verse, is the key touchstone for Alberta Whittle's exhibition.  The collection emerges from a tragedy, and from there sets out to map a territory – to emphasise the importance of a quality both vital but ever hard to define. In this presentation, connections across time and space […]

Sheila Hicks @ Alison Jacques Gallery

Alison Jacques Gallery 16-18 Berners St, London, United Kingdom

‘Sheila Hicks: Infinite Potential’,  is chosen as the inaugural exhibition for our new gallery.  Hicks exhibits different series of new work which make up her extensive vocabulary, and creates an installation of Talking Sticks, wall based batons made from bamboo and multicoloured pigmented fibre placed as if in conversation with each other.

Anna Uddenberg @ Perimeter Gallery

The Perimeter

Anna Uddenberg creates sculptures that question and distort traditional narratives of femininity, creating an exaggerated representation of contemporary womanhood. The exhibition, Home Wreckers, is about female identity as a consumable […]

Tamara Henderson @ Camden Art Centre

Camden Arts Centre 8 Arkwright Road, London, United Kingdom

Focused on earthworm ecology, 'Green in the Grooves' draws our attention to the often-unappreciated earth beneath our feet, the grounding of life on this planet. The exhibition speaks to the […]

Marina Xenofontos @ Camden Art Centre

Camden Arts Centre 8 Arkwright Road, London, United Kingdom

Public Domain by Marina Xenofontos is an ambitious new commission conceived as a series of gestures that involve architectural interventions and sculpture. Xenofontos’ work examines the way ideology and cultural […]

Tracey Emin & others @Fitzwilliam Museum

Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

Bringing together more than 120 artworks spanning painting, photography, sculpture and film, Real Families: Stories of Change asks us to consider what makes a family today, and the impact our families have […]

Josephine Baker @ Pippy Houldsworth Gallery

The Box, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery 6 Heddon St, London, United Kingdom

Josephine Baker's new sculpture incorporates the contorted aluminium skeleton of a water wheel against tiles broken up into the forms of sea stacks.  Prime Mover: Stack 1, reflects on the role of water in commercial energy production, and reclaims the narrative function of materials in an industrial and post-industrial world.

Wangari Mathenge @ Pippy Houldsworth Gallery

The Box, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery 6 Heddon St, London, United Kingdom

Wangari Mathenge’s exhibition is from her new series, A Day of Rest. Prompted by media depictions of the plight of domestic workers in Kenya. She conceived of this body of work as a socially engaged project aimed at shifting the narrative around a workforce of over two million people across the country.  In A Day of […]

Shirin Neshat @ Goodman Gallery

Goodman Gallery

Shirin Neshat’s most recent work, The Fury, comprises a double-channel video installation and a series of black and white photographs. Shot in June 2022, The Fury seeks to capture the Zeitgeist: a sense of foreboding and dread sparked by the resurgence of fascism that we are witnessing.

Ksenia Pasyura @ Nahmad Projects

Nahmad Projects

Ksenia Pasyura, is a visual artist and painter whose creative oeuvre is distinguished by its contemplation of the human body in all its forms. Pasyura’s colourful and dynamic works feature a surreal blend of traditional portraiture and abstract expressionism, metamorphosing the body into unfamiliar flesh. Central to her practice is the profound investigation of the […]

Rana Begum & others @ Bomb Factory Art Foundation

The Bomb Factory Art Foundation , United Kingdom

The Bomb Factory Art Foundation is an artist-led space that supports over 150 artists with affordable studios across London and a comprehensive support network for its members. This exhibition aims to bring together a mixture of established and emerging artists in a captivating show, A New Dawn, A New Day, The exhibition features works by: Caroline […]

Lucy Ward @ Greenwich Printmakers

Greenwich Printmakers Gallery

Lucy Ward’s atmospheric landscapes explore how changes in light or weather can make us react differently to a familiar scene, and her dramatic shadows create a feeling of suspense.

Emily Hunt @ Sim Smith Gallery

Sim Smith Gallery

Emily Hunt explores the history of witchcraft, the persecution of women and the relevance of these topics today. Crystal Radio Geist,  includes new ceramic installations, paintings and etchings. Hunt takes influence from the history of ornament, visionary art, big-ego personalities and scholarly magical texts.

Brianna Rose Brooks @ Lindon & Co

Lindon & Co , United Kingdom

Brianna Rose Brooks and Leyla Faye send their respective likenesses back in time for an intimate redrawing of their earlier worlds.  Throughout the exhibition of new work, A Requiem for Benevolent Beasts, the artists’ childhood avatars share a confabulatory gossip, a lamentation, and a celebration across the gallery space

Vanessa Gardiner @ Thackeray Gallery

Thackeray Gallery

Drawn to the natural geometry of the landscape, this show focuses on the landscape of two places, Orkney in Scotland, & Hydra in Greece. Vanessa’s says, “There is a beauty and force connecting these distantly placed islands” .  In this collection Vanessa explores the different colours and shapes of the extraordinary cliffs, tidal islands, seas […]

Marina Rheingantz @ White Cube, Mason’s Yard

White Cube Bermondsey

Maré is an exhibition of works by Marina Rheingantz that is dense in paint and often expansive in scale.   Her landscapes impart the experience of seeing distant, vanishing horizons and wide, panoramic views. Formed by an accumulation of paint, her works are characterised by their rich surface texture, sense of mass and dissolution of image.  […]

Anika Roach @ Corvi-Mora

Corvi-Mora 1a Kempsford Road (off Wincott St.), London, United Kingdom

Limbo Along Brass Tracks, is an exhibition of new work by Anika Roach, who makes paintings that are compellingly enigmatic; comical as well disturbing. The characters who inhabit her world might find themselves in situations that allude to grief, loss, violence, confusion and the complications of gender and race, but they are tempered by a nod […]

Zoe Koke @ Alice Amati Gallery

Alice Amati Gallery , United Kingdom

In The Serpent’s Tail, artists Rike Droescher and Zoe Koke draw on ancient references, represented by the Ouroboros, an archetypal symbol of a serpent eating its own tail. Traced back to Ancient Egypt, the symbol cycled between various spiritual and mythological traditions, forging an ubiquitous meaning of perpetuity. By questioning linear narratives, the exhibition is […]